Brain Health News To Use

Without Purpose, Retirement Can Be Lethal

The newest junior ranger at Grand Canyon National Park is 103 years old, making her three years older than the park itself.

What an inspiration.

You see, without a purpose, retirement can be lethal. Service is a longevity secret.

Multiple studies have shown that people who are engaged in paid work or volunteering are more likely to have a longer and more satisfied life.

Not sure where to start? Need some inspiration?

During my research, I stumbled upon a website and FB page that’s...

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Genetic Health Testing 101

Anti-aging health coaching is all about improving your lifestyle to reduce the risks of age-related chronic diseases — like heart disease, cancer, dementia and Alzheimer’s.

But how do you know what diseases YOU need to prevent?

Easy. Do genetic health testing.

I did.

The good news...I’m not genetically predisposed to ovarian or breast cancer or Parkinson’s, dementia or Alzheimer’s.

The bad news...I have some pretty serious predispositions to cardiac disease and...

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Caregivers Need Time to Recharge

Have you cared for an aging parent? Or a high-needs child?

Then you know the struggle. The stress. The exhaustian. The tug-of-war between devotion and resentment.

I've been there.

Our generation is often sandwiched between caring for the generation before us AND the generation after us. And caring for ourselves becomes inconsequential.

Caregivers have a higher risk of significant health problems, such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, depression, overweight, and earlier death due to...

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How to Live Without Regret

Live without regret. Yes, that's me hiking in Palo Euro Canyon. Living my dream life.

What is it that you've wanted to do that you've been postponing

Maybe next year. After I have more money. After I retire. After my knee surgery. After I lose weight. After the kid moves out. After I sell the house. After, after, after... mature of you. You sound like an old person.

What if you wait too long? What if you never get the chance? What will you forever regret NOT doing?

The time is NOW.

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Find Your Tribe to Be Happier & Live Longer

Have you found your tribe?

One of the MOST powerful ways to ensure a longer, more vital life is to take an active role in a COMMUNITY of like-minded folks.

Longevity experts report that knowing your role in a committed group with a common purpose is essential for a long and fulfilling life.

It can actually add years to your life.

So simple...yet so difficult in a world of technology and social isolation.

And it takes effort. Your tribe is not out there looking for you.

If you’re...

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Pet Owners Act Younger & May Live Longer

Here's one of my fave anti-aging strategies...albeit a furry one. Own a pet.

This is me and my buddy 'Logan.'

Researchers at St. Andrews University report that "If you have a dog in the home, your physical activity level is roughly equivalent to a person 10 years younger.”

Undoubtedly, the increased physical activity from regular walks with a dog that can influence weight regulation and heart health.

While you might not make it to the gym, that unrelenting mutt WILL make you get up off...

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Daily Coffee Drinking Protects Your Brain

My family knows. You do not speak to me in the morning until after cup #3.

”My name is Allison and I'm a coffee-addict.” If you insist that I give up my cup of joe for supposed health reasons, I will break into a cold sweat.

And now, I don't have to...

Recent studies have found that drinking 3 to 5 cups of coffee a day in mid-life can be associated with up to a 65% reduction in risk for dementia and Alzheimer's Disease later in life.


Coffee activates our Nrf2 pathways,...

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Grandparents Who Babysit Live Longer

Yes, that's me, babysitting my 8-month old granddaughter.

She's adorable and I love her dearly, but there's a BIG side benefit to caring for her...

I will live longer.

Scientists have confirmed that grandparents who babysit live longer than those who don't.

I'll have a whopping 37% lower mortality risk than friends of the same age who have no "caring responsibilities."

They speculate that the time spent with the kiddos creates a sense of purpose and that those little bundles of life,...

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Drink Silicon-Rich Mineral Water to Protect Your Brain

How much dementia-contributing aluminum do you think a baby boomer has absorbed in their lifetime from...

  • foods cooked in aluminum foil
  • foods cooked in aluminum pots and pans
  • drinks in laminated pouches
  • cosmetics, antiperspirants and toothpastes with 'aluminum-something' ingredients
  • aluminum-containing vaccines

Need I continue?

So, how do you get that aluminum OUT of your body?

Here's an easy, at-home, aluminum detox...

Drink Fiji water (no, I'm not paid for this plug).

Fiji water and other...

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Ditch Your Aluminum Foil to Protect Your Brain

Another super-simple dementia defense tactic...

Ditch your aluminum foil.

Yep, throw it out. Why?

Because aluminum can leach into foods that are cooked in it -- and at significantly higher levels if cooked with an acidic ingredient like tomato or lemon.

So what? Well, aluminum is a neurotoxin. There's mounting evidence that high levels of aluminum contribute to neurological diseases like dementia, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

And the cumulative effect over a Baby Boomer's lifetime is...

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